Name Locationsort ascending Description
parse_size core/includes/ Parses a given byte count.
format_size core/includes/ Generates a string representation for the given byte count.
backdrop_json_deliver core/includes/ Packages and sends the result of a page callback to the browser as JSON.
format_interval core/includes/ Formats a time interval with the requested granularity.
format_date core/includes/ Formats a date, using a date type or a custom date format string.
_format_date_callback core/includes/ Translates a formatted date string.
url core/includes/ Generates an internal or external URL.
url_is_external core/includes/ Returns TRUE if a path is external to Backdrop (e.g.
backdrop_http_header_attributes core/includes/ Formats an attribute string for an HTTP header.
backdrop_attributes core/includes/ Converts an associative array to an XML/HTML tag attribute string.
l core/includes/ Formats an internal or external URL link as an HTML anchor tag.
backdrop_deliver_page core/includes/ Delivers a page callback result to the browser in the appropriate format.
backdrop_deliver_html_page core/includes/ Packages and sends the result of a page callback to the browser as HTML.
backdrop_page_footer core/includes/ Performs end-of-request tasks.
backdrop_exit core/includes/ Performs end-of-request tasks.
backdrop_map_assoc core/includes/ Forms an associative array from a linear array.
backdrop_set_time_limit core/includes/ Attempts to set the PHP maximum execution time.
Color::validateHex core/includes/ Validates whether a hexadecimal color value is syntactically correct.
Color::hexToRgb core/includes/ Parses a hexadecimal color string like '#abc' or '#aabbcc'.
Color::rgbToHex core/includes/ Converts RGB color arrays and RGB strings in CSS notation to lowercase simple colors like '#aabbcc'.
BackdropDatabaseCache::delete core/includes/ Implements BackdropCacheInterface::delete().
BackdropDatabaseCache::deleteMultiple core/includes/ Implements BackdropCacheInterface::deleteMultiple().
BackdropDatabaseCache::deletePrefix core/includes/ Implements BackdropCacheInterface::deletePrefix().
BackdropDatabaseCache::flush core/includes/ Implements BackdropCacheInterface::flush().
BackdropDatabaseCache::garbageCollection core/includes/ Implements BackdropCacheInterface::garbageCollection().
BackdropDatabaseCache::isEmpty core/includes/ Implements BackdropCacheInterface::isEmpty().
cache core/includes/ Instantiates and statically caches the correct class for a cache bin.
cache_get core/includes/ Returns data from the persistent cache.
cache_get_multiple core/includes/ Returns data from the persistent cache when given an array of cache IDs.
cache_set core/includes/ Stores data in the persistent cache.
cache_flush core/includes/ Flushes all cache items in a bin.
cache_clear_all core/includes/ Clears data from the cache.
cache_is_empty core/includes/ Checks if a cache bin is empty.
BackdropCacheInterface::get core/includes/ Returns data from the persistent cache.
BackdropCacheInterface::getMultiple core/includes/ Returns data from the persistent cache when given an array of cache IDs.
BackdropCacheInterface::set core/includes/ Stores data in the persistent cache.
BackdropCacheInterface::delete core/includes/ Deletes an item from the cache.
BackdropCacheInterface::deleteMultiple core/includes/ Deletes multiple items from the cache.
BackdropCacheInterface::deletePrefix core/includes/ Deletes items from the cache using a wildcard prefix.
BackdropCacheInterface::flush core/includes/ Flushes all cache items in a bin.
BackdropCacheInterface::garbageCollection core/includes/ Performs garbage collection on a cache bin. Removing expired items.
BackdropCacheInterface::isEmpty core/includes/ Checks if a cache bin is empty.
BackdropNullCache::__construct core/includes/ Constructs a BackdropNullCache object.
BackdropNullCache::get core/includes/ Implements BackdropCacheInterface::get().
BackdropNullCache::getMultiple core/includes/ Implements BackdropCacheInterface::getMultiple().
BackdropNullCache::set core/includes/ Implements BackdropCacheInterface::set().
BackdropNullCache::delete core/includes/ Implements BackdropCacheInterface::delete().
BackdropNullCache::deleteMultiple core/includes/ Implements BackdropCacheInterface::deleteMultiple().
BackdropNullCache::deletePrefix core/includes/ Implements BackdropCacheInterface::deletePrefix().
BackdropNullCache::flush core/includes/ Implements BackdropCacheInterface::flush().
