1 user.theme.inc template_preprocess_user_picture(&$variables)

Process variables for user-picture.tpl.php.

The $variables array contains the following arguments:

  • $account: A user, node or comment object with 'name', 'uid' and 'picture' fields.

See also



core/modules/user/user.theme.inc, line 272
Theme functions for the User module.


function template_preprocess_user_picture(&$variables) {
  $site_config = config('system.core');
  $variables['user_picture'] = '';
  if ($site_config->get('user_pictures')) {
    $account = $variables['account'];
    if (!empty($account->picture)) {
      // @TODO: Ideally this function would only be passed file entities, but
      // since there's a lot of legacy code that JOINs the {users} table to
      // {node} or {comments} and passes the results into this function if we
      // a numeric value in the picture field we'll assume it's a file id
      // and load it for them. Once we've got user_load_multiple() and
      // comment_load_multiple() functions the user module will be able to load
      // the picture files in mass during the object's load process.
      if (is_numeric($account->picture)) {
        $account->picture = file_load($account->picture);
      if (!empty($account->picture->uri)) {
        $filepath = $account->picture->uri;
    elseif ($site_config->get('user_picture_default')) {
      $filepath = $site_config->get('user_picture_default');
    if (isset($filepath)) {
      $alt = t("@user's picture", array('@user' => user_format_name($account)));
      // If the image does not have a valid Backdrop scheme (for eg. HTTP),
      // don't load image styles.
      if (module_exists('image') && file_valid_uri($filepath) && $style = $site_config->get('user_picture_style')) {
        $variables['user_picture'] = theme('image_style', array('style_name' => $style, 'uri' => $filepath, 'alt' => $alt, 'title' => $alt));
      else {
        $variables['user_picture'] = theme('image', array('path' => $filepath, 'alt' => $alt, 'title' => $alt));
      if (!empty($account->uid) && user_access('access user profiles')) {
        $attributes = array('attributes' => array('title' => t('View user profile.')), 'html' => TRUE);
        $variables['user_picture'] = l($variables['user_picture'], "user/$account->uid", $attributes);