Name Locationsort ascending Description
_backdrop_bootstrap_variables core/includes/ Loads system variables and all enabled bootstrap modules.
get_t core/includes/ Returns the name of the proper localization function.
_backdrop_bootstrap_page_header core/includes/ Invokes hook_boot() and sends HTTP headers.
backdrop_language_initialize core/includes/ Initializes all the defined language types.
language_types_get_default core/includes/ Returns a list of the built-in language types.
language_multilingual core/includes/ Returns TRUE if there is more than one language enabled.
language_list core/includes/ Returns a list of configured languages.
language_load core/includes/ Loads a language object from the database.
language_name core/includes/ Produced the printed name for a language for display.
language_default core/includes/ Returns the default language used on the site.
request_path core/includes/ Returns the requested URL path of the page being viewed.
arg core/includes/ Returns a component of the current Backdrop path.
ip_address core/includes/ Returns the IP address of the client machine.
backdrop_get_schema core/includes/ Gets the schema definition of a table, or the whole database schema.
backdrop_is_litespeed core/includes/ Checks whether Backdrop is running under LiteSpeed.
SchemaCache::__construct core/includes/ Constructs a SchemaCache object.
SchemaCache::resolveCacheMiss core/includes/ Overrides BackdropCacheArray::resolveCacheMiss().
backdrop_get_complete_schema core/includes/ Gets the whole database schema.
backdrop_autoload core/includes/ Confirms that a class is available.
backdrop_static core/includes/ Provides central static variable storage.
backdrop_static_reset core/includes/ Resets one or all centrally stored static variable(s).
backdrop_is_cli core/includes/ Detects whether the current script is running in a command-line environment.
backdrop_is_html core/includes/ Detects if this is an HTML HTTP request.
backdrop_is_ajax core/includes/ Detects if this is an AJAX HTTP request.
backdrop_is_dialog core/includes/ Detects if this is a dialog HTTP request.
backdrop_is_background core/includes/ Stores if Backdrop is currently being executed in the background.
backdrop_placeholder core/includes/ Formats text for emphasized display in a placeholder inside a sentence.
backdrop_register_shutdown_function core/includes/ Registers a function for execution on shutdown.
_backdrop_shutdown_function core/includes/ Executes registered shutdown functions.
backdrop_check_memory_limit core/includes/ Compares the memory required for an operation to the available memory.
backdrop_clear_opcode_cache core/includes/ Invalidates a PHP file from any active opcode caches.
backdrop_class_list core/includes/ Lists all the classes used by Backdrop core.
BatchQueue::claimItem core/includes/ Overrides SystemQueue::claimItem().
BatchQueue::getAllItems core/includes/ Retrieves all remaining items in the queue.
BatchMemoryQueue::claimItem core/includes/ Overrides MemoryQueue::claimItem().
BatchMemoryQueue::getAllItems core/includes/ Retrieves all remaining items in the queue.
batch_load core/includes/ Loads a batch from the database.
_batch_page core/includes/ Renders the batch processing page based on the current state of the batch.
_batch_do core/includes/ Does one execution pass with JavaScript and returns progress to the browser.
_batch_progress_page core/includes/ Outputs a batch processing page.
_batch_process core/includes/ Processes sets in a batch.
_batch_api_percentage core/includes/ Formats the percent completion for a batch set.
_batch_current_set core/includes/ Returns the batch set being currently processed.
_batch_next_set core/includes/ Retrieves the next set in a batch.
_batch_finished core/includes/ Ends the batch processing.
authorize_filetransfer_form core/includes/ Form constructor for the file transfer authorization form.
_authorize_filetransfer_connection_settings core/includes/ Generates the Form API array for a given connection backend's settings.
_authorize_filetransfer_connection_settings_set_defaults core/includes/ Sets the default settings on a file transfer connection form recursively.
authorize_filetransfer_form_validate core/includes/ Form validation handler for authorize_filetransfer_form().
authorize_filetransfer_form_submit core/includes/ Form submission handler for authorize_filetransfer_form().
