1 user.password.inc _user_password_policy_help()

Generates help text for core password constraints on forms.

See also



core/modules/user/user.password.inc, line 33
Password callback file for the user module.


function _user_password_policy_help() {
  // Label the threshold for the password description.
  $strength_threshold = config_get('system.core', 'user_password_strength_threshold');

  if ($strength_threshold < USER_PASSWORD_STRENGTH_FAIR) {
    $threshold_label = array('weak' => t('weak'));
  elseif ($strength_threshold < USER_PASSWORD_STRENGTH_GOOD) {
    $threshold_label = array('fair' => t('fair'));
  elseif ($strength_threshold < USER_PASSWORD_STRENGTH_STRONG) {
    $threshold_label = array('good' => t('good'));
  else {
    $threshold_label = array('strong' => t('excellent'));

  $criteria = array();
  $criteria[] = t('The password cannot be the same as the username or email address.');
  $criteria[] = t('The password must be sufficiently long or complex.');

  $help = '<div class="password-strength-help-text ' . key($threshold_label) . '">' . t('The password strength indicator must be %threshold or better.', array('%threshold' => current($threshold_label)));
  $help .= ' ' . t('The following criteria must be met:') . '</div>' . theme('item_list', array('items' => $criteria, 'type' => 'ul'));

  return $help;