1 ajax.test AJAXMultiFormTestCase::testMultiForm()

Test that a page with the 'page_node_form' included twice works correctly.


core/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax.test, line 443
Ajax Tests.


Tests that Ajax-enabled forms work when multiple instances of the same form are on a page.


function testMultiForm() {
  // HTML IDs for elements within the field are potentially modified with
  // each Ajax submission, but these variables are stable and help target the
  // desired elements.
  $field_name = 'field_ajax_test';
  $field_xpaths = array(
    'page-node-form' => '//form[@id="page-node-form"]//div[contains(@class, "field-name-field-ajax-test")]',
    'page-node-form--2' => '//form[@id="page-node-form--2"]//div[contains(@class, "field-name-field-ajax-test")]',
  $button_name = $field_name . '_add_more';
  $button_value = t('Add another');
  $button_xpath_suffix = '//input[@name="' . $button_name . '"]';
  $field_items_xpath_suffix = '//input[@type="text"]';

  // Ensure the initial page contains both node forms and the correct number
  // of field items and "add more" button for the multi-valued field within
  // each form.
  foreach ($field_xpaths as $form_html_id => $field_xpath) {
    $this->assert(count($this->xpath($field_xpath . $field_items_xpath_suffix)) == 1, t('Found the correct number of field items on the initial page.'));
    $this->assertFieldByXPath($field_xpath . $button_xpath_suffix, NULL, t('Found the "add more" button on the initial page.'));
  $this->assertNoDuplicateIds(t('Initial page contains unique IDs'), 'Other');

  // Submit the "add more" button of each form twice. After each corresponding
  // page update, ensure the same as above.
  foreach ($field_xpaths as $form_html_id => $field_xpath) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) {
      $this->backdropPostAJAX(NULL, array(), array($button_name => $button_value), 'system/ajax', array(), array(), $form_html_id);
      $this->assert(count($this->xpath($field_xpath . $field_items_xpath_suffix)) == $i + 2, t('Found the correct number of field items after an AJAX submission.'));
      $this->assertFieldByXPath($field_xpath . $button_xpath_suffix, NULL, t('Found the "add more" button after an AJAX submission.'));
      $this->assertNoDuplicateIds(t('Updated page contains unique IDs'), 'Other');