1 path.inc path_clean_alias($alias)

Clean up a URL alias.

Performs the following alterations:

  • Trim duplicate, leading, and trailing back-slashes.
  • Trim duplicate, leading, and trailing separators.
  • Shorten to a desired length and logical position based on word boundaries.


string $alias: A string with the URL alias to clean up.

Return value

string: The cleaned URL alias.


core/modules/path/path.inc, line 309
Miscellaneous functions for Path module.


function path_clean_alias($alias) {
  $config = config('path.settings');
  $cache = &backdrop_static(__FUNCTION__);

  if (!isset($cache)) {
    $cache = array(
      'maxlength' => min($config->get('max_length'), _path_get_schema_alias_maxlength()),

  $output = $alias;

  // Trim duplicate, leading, and trailing separators. Do this before cleaning
  // backslashes since a pattern like "[token1]/[token2]-[token3]/[token4]"
  // could end up like "value1/-/value2" and if backslashes were cleaned first
  // this would result in a duplicate backslash.
  $output = _path_clean_separators($output);

  // Trim duplicate, leading, and trailing backslashes.
  $output = _path_clean_separators($output, '/');

  // Shorten to a logical place based on word boundaries.
  $output = truncate_utf8($output, $cache['maxlength'], TRUE);

  return $output;