@file Plugin to provide access control/visibility based on path.


Expanded class hierarchy of PathLayoutAccess


core/modules/layout/plugins/access/path_layout_access.inc, line 6
Plugin to provide access control/visibility based on path.


Contains filters are case sensitive
Name Modifiers Type Descriptionsort descending
LayoutHandler::label function Assemble a human-readable label of this object.
PathLayoutAccess::checkAccess function Checks for access based on the available context. Overrides LayoutAccess::checkAccess
PathLayoutAccess::__construct function Constructor for a Layout access rule. Overrides LayoutAccess::__construct
LayoutAccess::toArray function Convert this object's properties to an array. Overrides LayoutHandler::toArray
LayoutAccess::getRequiredContexts function Get a list of all context plugin names required for this access check.
PathLayoutAccess::summary function Provides a human-readable summary of this access check's behavior. Overrides LayoutAccess::summary
LayoutAccess::setContexts function Sets the contexts for this item from the full list of layout contexts.
PathLayoutAccess::form function Settings form for configuring this access item. Overrides LayoutAccess::form
LayoutAccess::formSubmit function Submit handler for the settings form for this access item.
LayoutAccess::formValidate function Validate handler for the settings form for this access item.