CommentTokenReplaceTestCase::testCommentTokenReplacement in core/modules/comment/tests/comment.test
Creates a comment, then tests the tokens generated from it.
ContactPersonalTestCase::testPersonalContactFlood in core/modules/contact/tests/contact.test
Tests the personal contact form flood protection.
ContactSitewideTestCase::testSiteWideContact in core/modules/contact/tests/contact.test
Tests configuration options and the site-wide contact form.
contact_personal_form in core/modules/contact/
Form constructor for the personal contact form.
contact_site_form in core/modules/contact/
Form constructor for the site-wide contact form.
date_format_interval in core/includes/
Formats a time interval with granularity, including past and future context.
hook_requirements in core/modules/system/system.api.php
Check installation requirements and do status reporting.
hook_user_view in core/modules/user/user.api.php
The user's account information is being displayed.
layout_locked_message in core/modules/layout/
Prepare a message and link based on if a layout item is updated or locked.
NodeTokenReplaceTestCase::testNodeTokenReplacement in core/modules/node/tests/node.test
Creates a node, then tests the tokens generated from it.
node_form_submit in core/modules/node/
Form submission handler that saves the node for node_form().
redirect_list_form in core/modules/redirect/
Form callback; Display the list of all redirects.
redirect_list_table in core/modules/redirect/
Display a list of redirects. Used on forms when editing an entity.
system_cron_settings in core/modules/system/
Form builder; Cron form.
system_requirements in core/modules/system/system.install
Implements hook_requirements().
system_tokens in core/modules/system/
Implements hook_tokens().
system_token_info in core/modules/system/
Implements hook_token_info().
theme_comment_block in core/modules/comment/
Returns HTML for a list of recent comments.
theme_date_time_ago in core/modules/date/
Returns HTML for a date in the format 'time ago'.
theme_update_last_check in core/modules/update/
Returns HTML for the last time we checked for update data.
TokenReplaceTestCase::testSystemDateTokenReplacement in core/modules/simpletest/tests/token.test
Tests the generation of all system date tokens.
TokenReplaceTestCase::testTokenReplacement in core/modules/simpletest/tests/token.test
Creates a user and a node, then tests the tokens generated from them.
user_user_view in core/modules/user/user.module
Implements hook_user_view().
ViewsHandlerFieldDateTest::testFieldDate in core/modules/views/tests/handlers/views_handler_field_date.test
views_handler_field_date::render in core/modules/views/handlers/
Render the field.
views_handler_field_time_interval::render in core/modules/views/handlers/
Render the field.
views_plugin_cache_time::summary_title in core/modules/views/plugins/
Return a string to display as the clickable title for the access control.
views_ui_edit_form in core/modules/views_ui/
Form builder callback for configuring a View.
_batch_finished in core/includes/
Ends the batch processing.
_batch_process in core/includes/
Processes sets in a batch.