Contains filters are case sensitive
Namesort ascending Type Namespace Location Description
BackdropQueueInterface interface core/modules/system/
BackdropQueue class core/modules/system/ Factory class for interacting with queues.
BackdropPublicStreamWrapper class core/includes/ Backdrop public (public://) stream wrapper class.
BackdropPrivateStreamWrapper class core/includes/ Backdrop private (private://) stream wrapper class.
BackdropNullCache class core/includes/ Defines a stub cache implementation.
BackdropMatchPathTestCase class core/modules/simpletest/tests/path.test Unit tests for the backdrop_match_path() function in
BackdropLocalStreamWrapper abstract class core/includes/ Backdrop stream wrapper base class for local files.
BackdropHTTPSystemInterface interface core/includes/ Defines the BackdropHTTPSystemInterface class interface.
BackdropHtmlToTextTestCase class core/modules/simpletest/tests/mail.test Unit tests for backdrop_html_to_text().
BackdropGetQueryArrayTestCase class core/modules/simpletest/tests/common.test Tests the functionality of backdrop_get_query_array().
BackdropFakeCache class core/includes/ Defines a stub cache implementation to be used during installation.
BackdropErrorHandlerUnitTest class core/modules/simpletest/tests/error.test Tests Backdrop error and exception handlers.
BackdropDummyStreamWrapper class core/modules/simpletest/tests/ Helper class for testing the stream wrapper registry.
BackdropDummyRemoteStreamWrapper class core/modules/simpletest/tests/ Helper class for testing the stream wrapper registry.
BackdropDiffFormatter class core/includes/ Backdrop diff formatter which returns diffs as an array.
BackdropDateTime class core/includes/ Extends PHP DateTime class for use with Backdrop.
BackdropDatabaseCache class core/includes/ Defines a default cache implementation.
BackdropCacheInterface interface core/includes/ Defines an interface for cache implementations.
BackdropCacheArray abstract class core/includes/ Provides a caching wrapper to be used in place of large array structures.
ArrayDiffUnitTest class core/modules/simpletest/tests/common.test Test array diff functions.
Archive_Tar class core/modules/system/
ArchiverZip class core/modules/system/ Archiver for .zip files.
ArchiverTar class core/modules/system/ Archiver for .tar files.
ArchiverInterface interface core/includes/ Defines the common interface for all Archiver classes.
AnonymousUser class core/includes/ Provides a class for managing anonymous users.
AJAXTestCase class core/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax.test Ajax Test.
AJAXMultiFormTestCase class core/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax.test Tests that Ajax-enabled forms work when multiple instances of the same form are on a page.
AJAXFrameworkTestCase class core/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax.test Tests primary Ajax framework functions.
AJAXFormValuesTestCase class core/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax.test Test that $form_state['values'] is properly delivered to $ajax['callback'].
AJAXFormPageCacheTestCase class core/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax.test Test Ajax forms when page caching for anonymous users is turned on.
AjaxExampleTestCase class modules/examples/ajax_example/tests/ajax_example.test Functional tests for AJAX Example module.
AJAXElementValidation class core/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax.test Miscellaneous Ajax tests using ajax_test module.
AJAXDialogTest class core/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax.test Tests use of dialogs as wrappers for Ajax responses.
AJAXCommandsTestCase class core/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax.test Tests Ajax framework commands.
AdminBarWebTestCase class core/modules/admin_bar/tests/admin_bar.test Base class for all administration bar web test cases.
AdminBarPermissionsTestCase class core/modules/admin_bar/tests/admin_bar.test Tests menu links depending on user permissions.
AdminBarLinkTypesTestCase class core/modules/admin_bar/tests/admin_bar.test Tests appearance of different types of links.
AdminBarDynamicLinksTestCase class core/modules/admin_bar/tests/admin_bar.test Tests appearance, localization, and escaping of dynamic links.
AdminBarCustomizedTestCase class core/modules/admin_bar/tests/admin_bar.test Tests customized menu links.
ActionLoopTestCase class core/modules/simpletest/tests/actions.test Test actions executing in a potential loop, and make sure they abort properly.
ActionExampleTestCase class modules/examples/action_example/tests/action_example.test Default test case for the action_example module.
AccessDeniedTestCase class core/modules/system/tests/system.test Tests custom access denied functionality.
